In compliance with the provisions of IFRS 8, the following information is provided by operating segments (business segments) and performance indicators that play a key role in the Group's strategic decisions.
As the analysis by business segments is given higher priority in the decision-making process, the analysis by geographic areas is no longer presented.

Business segments

With regard to the business segments, information concerning the two Divisions – Engine Systems and Suspension Components – is provided below. Figures for the Holding Company Sogefi S.p.A. and the subsidiary Sogefi Purchasing S.a.S. are also provided for the purpose of reconciliation with consolidated values.

The tables below provide the Group’s income statement and statement of financial position figures for 2011 and 2012:

(in thousands of Euro) 2011 (*)
  Engine Systems Division Suspension Components Division Sogefi SpA / Sogefi Purch. SaS Adjustments Sogefi consolidated f/s
Sales to third parties 611,791 546,594 - - 1,158,385
Intersegment sales 1,144 1,130 18,567 (20,841) -
TOTAL REVENUES 612,935 547,724 18,567 (20,841) 1,158,385
EBIT 24,443 44,139 (8,190) (1,905) 58,487
Financial expenses, net         (12,680)
Income from equity investments         -
Losses from equity investments         -
Result before taxes         45,807
Income taxes         (18,605)
Loss (profit) attributable to non-controlling interests         (3,156)
NET RESULT         24,046
Segment assets 499,638 422,275 591,760 (629,178) 884,495
Equity investments in associates - - - - -
Unallocated assets - - - 151,666 151,666
TOTAL ASSETS 499,638 422,275 591,760 (477,512) 1,036,161
Segment liabilities 310,767 268,311 438,514 (195,633) 821,959
TOTAL LIABILITIES 310,767 268,311 438,514 (195,633) 821,959
Increase in tangible and intangible fixed asset 27,855 27,293 1,602 - 56,750
Depreciation, amortisation and writedown 27,586 24,171 5,982 (4,375) 53,364
(*) Some 2011 values have been restated following the conclusion of the Purchase Price Allocation process of Systèmes Moteurs S.A.S.. Please see Note 2 "Consolidation principles and accounting policies" for additional details.


(in thousands of Euro) 2012
  Engine Systems Division Suspension Components Division Sogefi SpA / Sogefi Purch. SaS Adjustments Sogefi consolidated f/s
Sales to third parties 791,683 527,550 - - 1,319,233
Intersegment sales 940 1,054 20,099 (22,093) -
TOTAL REVENUES 792,623 528,604 20,099 (22,093) 1,319,233
EBIT 39,000 32,312 (6,148) (2,389) 62,775
Financial expenses, net         (16,474)
Income from equity investments         -
Losses from equity investments         -
Result before taxes         46,301
Income taxes         (13,771)
Loss (profit) attributable to non-controlling interests         (3,205)
NET RESULT         29,325
Segment assets 524,073 416,152 571,748 (642,899) 869,074
Equity investments in associates - - - - -
Unallocated assets - - - 153,221 153,221
TOTAL ASSETS 524,073 416,152 571,748 (489,678) 1,022,295
Segment liabilities 317,884 256,843 431,470 (199,197) 807,000
TOTAL LIABILITIES 317,884 256,843 431,470 (199,197) 807,000
Increase in tangible and intangible fixed assets 46,592 30,311 9,294 (1,807) 84,390
Depreciation, amortisation and writedowns 35,676 24,545 6,349 (3,320) 63,250

Please note that the Engine Systems Division includes the book value of the Systemes Moteurs Group (which do not include fair value adjustments to net assets from the Purchase Price Allocation) and the adjustments for its Purchase Price Allocation relating to provision for product warranties reversed (contingent liabilities recognised during the Purchases Price Allocation process); the remaining adjustments for its Purchase Price Allocation are posted in column "Adjustments".
Adjustments to “Intersegment sales” mainly refer to services provided by the Holding Company Sogefi S.p.A. and by the subsidiary Sogefi Purchasing S.a.S. to other Group companies (see note 40 for further details on the nature of the services provided). This item also includes intersegment sales between the Engine Systems Division and the Suspension Components Division.

The adjustments to “EBIT" refer to depreciation and amortisation linked to the revaluation of assets resulting from the acquisition of 40% of Sogefi Rejna S.p.A. and its subsidiaries in the year 2000 and of Systemes Moteurs Group in the year 2011.

In the Statement of Financial Position, the adjustments to the item "Segment assets" refer to the consolidation entry of investments in subsidiaries and intercompany receivables.
Adjustments to “Unallocated assets” mainly include the goodwill and the fixed assets revaluations resulting from the acquisitions of: the Allevard Ressorts Automobile group, 40% of Sogefi Rejna S.p.A., the Filtrauto group, 60% of Sogefi M.N.R. Filtration India Private Ltd and the Systemes Moteurs Group.

“Depreciation, amortisation and writedowns” include writedowns of tangible and intangible fixed assets for the amount of Euro 4,850 thousand, Euro 3,208 thousand of which originate from the current reorganisation of the Llantrisant site of subsidiary Sogefi Filtration Ltd and Euro 1,535 thousand refer to subsidiary Allevard Sogefi U.S.A. Inc. and reflect plant for the manufacture of stabilizer bars no longer used.
These assets were written down based on the fair value of assets at year-end date, which amounts to zero.


Information on the main customers

Note that revenues from sales to third parties as of December 31, 2012 account for over 10% of Group revenues refer to: PSA (12.9% of total revenues), Ford (11.8% of total revenues) and Renault/Nissan (11.3% of total revenues).


Information on the geographical areas

The breakdown of revenues by geographical area “of destination”, in other words with regard to the nationality of the customer, is analysed in the directors' report and in the notes to the income statement.

The breakdown of assets by geographical area is as follows:

(in thousands of Euro) 2011 (*)
  Europe South America North America Asia Adjustments Sogefi consolidated f/s
TOTAL ASSETS 1,408,970 128,155 66,374 52,801 (620,139) 1,036,161
(*) Certain values as at December 31, 2011 were redetermined after the completion of the Purchase Price Allocation process in connection with the Systèmes Moteurs S.A.S. acquisition.


(in thousands of Euro) 2012
  Europe South America North America Asia Adjustments Sogefi consolidated f/s
TOTAL ASSETS 1,367,211 124,948 101,619 74,468 (645,951) 1,022,295